Monday, January 31, 2011
3rd Annual India Art Summit in New Delhi
I was very interested in the story today January 31, 2011, in the New York Times about the 3rd annual modern and contemporary India Art Summit in New Delhi, India that was held from January 20th to 23rd. I have spent every winter, for the last 30 years, in India and have seen many changes taking place within the country and the culture over those years. Only in the last few years have I seen art hanging on the walls of my Indian friends' homes. This year's Art Summit is a prime example of the rapidly changing cultural and economic environment in India. The show was double the size of last year's show with 34 international galleries from 20 countries being represented along with 50 Indian galleries and 500 artists in the 90,000 square feet space with dedicated space for digital and video art. The exhibit was attended by more than 128,000 visitors and more than 50% of the art on display was sold, including two works by Picasso. To read the full story in the New York Times go here. You can also visit the official web sit of the show here.